I am worthy of love and respect, just as I am.
My imperfections make me unique and beautiful.
I embrace all aspects of myself, including my flaws.
I am enough, exactly as I am in this moment.
I accept myself unconditionally.
My self-worth is not determined by others’ opinions.
I am deserving of happiness and fulfillment.
I love and approve of myself.
I am at peace with who I am.
I choose to be kind and compassionate to myself.
I honor my journey and trust in my growth.
I am proud of all that I have accomplished.
I forgive myself for past mistakes and learn from them.
My feelings and needs are valid and important.
I give myself permission to be authentic and true to who I am.
I celebrate my strengths and embrace my vulnerabilities.
I am confident in my abilities and trust my intuition.
I deserve to take up space and be heard.
I am a valuable and important person, just as I am.
I nurture my body, mind, and spirit with love and care.
I trust myself to make decisions that are right for me.
I am capable of achieving great things.
I honor my boundaries and take care of my well-being.
I release the need for approval from others.
I am whole, complete, and perfect in my own way.
I am grateful for the person I am becoming.
I deserve to be treated with kindness and respect.
I believe in my dreams and my ability to achieve them.
I am strong, resilient, and capable of overcoming challenges.
I embrace change and welcome new opportunities for growth.
I trust the process of my life unfolding in perfect timing.
I honor my uniqueness and celebrate my individuality.
I am worthy of love, joy, and all the good things life has to offer.